Friday, January 13, 2012

4 x 2 IPA

Just like being hit over the head by a bit of 4 x 2 this IPA is fully intended to give the taste buds as assault of 4 x hops and 2 x malt that will leave a lingering tang to remember for sometime.  Brewed on 4th Jan 2012 (spot the 4 x 2s?) its a great way to start a new year with 4 hops including Cluster, Cascade, Galaxy and Amarillo all finding their way into the boil onto 2 x malt bases (Cooper's Draught and IPA).  Safale S04 dry yeast was up and running very fast with an SG of 1030.  Sitting tight now and almost ready to rack off for some secondary settling and more dry hopping.  This home brewer is very excited about the new stock in the brewery especially after a festive season assault on the stock in the shed!  Hoppy New Year :-)

Racked off on 15th Jan into a secondary fermenter and gave the girl another dose of high alpha acid Amarillo hops into the secondary fermenter for 10 more days dry hopping.  Bottled the brew on Australia Day (how appropriate) and the deep amber colour was so enticing and experienced a very strong resin hoppy hit but was delighted to sense a well balanced malt background.  Will leave it to rest through Feb Fast and looking forward to tapping the delights of the 4 x 2 IPA in March.  Best After 19th April 2012 - c'mon Anzac!

Tasted some superb beers today at the AIBA 2012 so thought I better finish with one of my own for comparison.  Still some work to do as malt was not big enough but hops were good!